Dear Past Me

Dear past Mallory,
You will eventually take a creative photography class (i know so surprising right). It takes many skills to be successful in this class. You'll have to shoot photos for most assignments and play around a lot in photoshop. Some tips I recommend include always shooting your'e photos out on time and have a plan frame you need to get things done by. Another struggle is coming up with ideas for your photos. Your first idea is most likely not going to be best one, so give it some time to get those creative juices flowing.

This is one of my best pictures. It was for the "blue project", I knew I wanted a picture somehow involving the sky. I figured a lot of people might end up doing that, so I changed and manipulated my photo til I got my desired results.

Before photoshop this was just a normal picture of a sunrise on a foggy road. I then put it in photoshop and played around with hue and saturation and took out the red and replaced it with blue. One thing I would've done better is maybe better resolution and focus on the picture.

